Dear Readers,
Welcome to the School for Good and Evil.
Your acceptance to our legendary institution is a rare achievement. For thousands of years, the greatest of heroes and villains have come through our classrooms before they entered into the Endless Woods to find their stories.
If you enter the School for Good, you will discover the arts of chivalry, friendship, and good deeds in your quest for love. If you enter the School for Evil, you will explore darkness, mischief, and transformation in your quest for power. But whether you are Good or Evil, an Ever or a Never, you must learn to respect one another, for no matter how different you may seem, you cannot exist without the other. The line between a princess and a witch is a very thin one indeed...
But for now, open your hearts and minds to a new adventure. In four short years, you too will graduate into a fairy tale of your own. That is, if you don’t stumble into one while you’re here. Two friends are about to learn that lesson, and you’ll be there from the very beginning.
And with that, I must leave you to your schedule, your books, and your fates with one last question…
Which school is yours?
The School Master
To get to school every day, the shortest pass is through a deserted graveyard. Do you:
On a snowy day, people in your dorm tower leave their shoes outside their doors to dry. You notice a pair outside your neighbor’s door that are the ones you always wanted… but are just too expensive for you. Do you:
You are running late to class and if you are late one more time, then you’re certain to be sent to the Doom Room. But as you’re running to class, you notice a gnome who’s fallen and can’t get up. Do you:
While you are in the Dean’s office for your monthly performance review, you accidentally spill your mug of strawberry juice on her plush white carpet. Do you:
You and your best friend make a plan to try the new heated wavepool in the Groom Room after dinner. But your crush finds you at dinner and asks you if you want to try out the pool after dinner. Do you:
A beautiful Evergirl you meet on the first day of school keeps telling you about all the famous princes and princesses she's friends with. Do you:
Your best friend has been chosen to represent your school in the Trial by Tale, a deadly skills competition. Only one problem: your best friend is incompetent and will likely die. Do you:
Since you are the highest-ranked student in the School for Evil, Lady Lesso offers you a reward. You are allowed to choose any student from your school to be your own personal 'servant' for the next month, who you are allowed to abuse and torment at will. As you decide who will be your servant, do you:
You agreed to go to the Ball with someone unpopular. But then you get asked to the Ball by the coolest, hottest person in school. Do you:
If you could only have one of these in your life, which would you pick?